Sentec Scuba Courses

Try Scuba Diving

Interested in Scuba Diving but not quite sure if it's your thing? Try with a professional and learn the basics of diving!

$100 Includes All Gear

Open Water

Want to explore the world of water? Come join us in open water and become an PADI Open water certified diver! Recognized all over the world!


**Please note the date selected is generic for booking. After you sign up, we will coordinate your schedule with our staff**

Advanced Open Water

Got your Open Water Certification? Want to learn more about the deep, Navigation and Adventure? Check out our Advanced Open Water Course!


**Please note the date selected is generic for booking. After you sign up, we will coordinate your schedule with our staff**

Deep Diver

Explore deeper dive sites with confidence at depths down to 40 metres/130 ft. Learn to manage your gas supply, go over buddy contact procedures, and buoyancy control. 

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (15 years or older )
  • Course Prerequisites (PADI Adventure Diver (or qualifying certification) 
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 2-4 hours )


You'll need a dive computeralong with the rest of your basic scuba equipment. A dive lightand slate are also recommended. 


**Please note the date selected is generic for booking. After you sign up, we will coordinate your schedule with our staff**

Drysuit Diver

Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often. This suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water. 

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (10 years or older)
  • Course Prerequisites (PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or qualifying entry-level certification)
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 2-4 hours )


Clearly a dry suit is necessary along with your basic scuba equipment. Your PADI will explain other gear or equipment options you may need to dive comfortably with your dry suit. For example, because you're more buoyant in a dry suit than in a wetsuit, you may want a different weight system setup. 


**Please note the date selected is generic for booking. After you sign up, we will coordinate your schedule with our staff**

Emergency First Response

Discover simple to follow steps for emergency care. This course focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency.

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (None)
  • Course Prerequisites (Desire to help others)
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 2-4 hours )


Emergency Oxygen Provider

Immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions. This course is open to everyone.


Your PADI Instructor will have emergency oxygen units available to use for Instructor can help you purchase your own unit for use after the class. You'll also need to have a disposable non-rebreather mask to use during practice sessions, which your instructor can help provide. 


Master Scuba Diver 

Join the best of the best, the elite group of respected divers who have earned this rating through both significant experience and scuba training.


  • 12 years old  (Note: 12-14 year old divers may earn Junior Master Scuba Diver certifications.)
  • Certified as a PADI (Junior) Advanced Open Water 

       Diver, a PADI (Junior) Rescue Diver, and certification 

       in five PADI Specialty or TecRec courses. (Note: Specialty diver or TecRec  certifications must be PADI – no other 

       certifications qualify. One PADI Freediver (not Basic) certification may 


  • Logged 50 dives 


Enriched Air Diver

Enriched Air, also known as “nitrox”, is a form of breathing gas that allows divers to extend bottom time and reduce nitrogen loading. It is PADI's most popular specialty course. PADI Enriched Air Diver Online can be completed in as little as an afternoon. After completing your online learning you'll apply the knowledge you've learned by practicing procedures for obtaining and analyzing enriched air with your PADI Instructor.

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (12 years or older )
  • Course Prerequisites (PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification) )
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 18 hours )


Peak Performance Buoyancy 

Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level. 

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (10 years or older )
  • Course Prerequisites (PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or qualifying entry-level certification)
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 2-4 hours  )


It's best to use your own scuba equipment, including a weight system, so that you fine-tune your buoyancy in gear you'll use on every dive. Your PADI Instructor can help you find the equipment that is best for you and your diving adventures. 


Rescue Course 

Learn to prevent and manage problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver. It's challenging, yet very rewarding. 

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (12 years or older )
  • Course Prerequisites (Adventure Diver/Junior Adventure Diver (or qualifying certification) with completed Underwater Navigation Dive; EFR Primary and Secondary Care training (or qualifying training) within 24 months )
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 10-12 hours  )


You'll use your basic scuba equipment and will need a pocket mask to practice in-water resuscitation. During exercises, you'll work with an oxygen unit, floats, marker buoys and perhaps CPR mannequins. Your PADI Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as your own first aid kit, which will be useful throughout your diving career.


Underwater Navigation Course

Fine-tune your underwater observation skills and learn to use your compass more accurately. This course may count towards college credit, ask your instructor. 

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (10 years or older)
  • Course Prerequisites (PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or qualifying entry-level certification) 
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 2-4 hours )


YBesides your basic scuba equipment, you'll need a compass and underwater slate. Your PADI Instructor may suggest other gear to help you stay oriented, such as marker buoys or lines and reels.


Search and Recovery

Retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or over a dock. Learn effective swimming patterns and using a lift bag for heavy objects.  


YBesides your basic scuba equipment, you'll need a compass and underwater slate. Your PADI Instructor may suggest other gear that may help with your searches, such as a dive light, marker buoys, lines and reels. 


Dive Master Course

Be a leader who mentors and motivates others. Gain dive knowledge, supervision abilities, and become a role model to divers around the world. 

This course includes Quarry fees and Air Fills

Prerequisites & Requirements 

  • Age Requirement  (18 years or older )
  • Course Prerequisites (Rescue Diver, 40 logged dives, CPR and First Aid certification within 24 months, medical clearance to dive)
  • Time Commitment  (Approximately 50 hours  )


As a dive professional, you'll want to have all your basic scuba equipment, including a dive computer, a dive knife, and at least two surface signaling devices. During practical skills exercises, like underwater mapping and search and recovery, you'll use a compass, floats, marker buoys, lift bags and slates. Your PADI Instructor may suggest additional gear that will be useful throughout your diving career. 


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